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Middle School Timeline

Alameda International is an International Baccalaureate school. As such, all Alameda middle school students are also IB students in the Middle Years Programme (MYP). 

IB Programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Learn more about IB schools.

Core MYP 2 and 3 Subjects

There are four core classes that students take in the seventh and eighth grades as follows:

Seventh grade

Eighth grade

MYP 2 Language and Literature

MYP 3 Language and Literature

MYP 2 Individuals and Societies (History)

MYP 3 Individuals and Societies (History)

MYP 2 Science

MYP 3 Science

MYP 2 Math

MYP 3 Math

Students also get to experience a variety of classes through the arts, design, physical and health education and language acquisition classes. Students will get the opportunity to take classes in each of these domains to provide a broad and diverse educational experience.