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Grading & Report Cards

At Alameda International, all assessments in grades 7-10 are graded using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) rubrics for that subject group. Every subject group has content-specific rubrics with four criteria used to assess student achievement throughout the year. For each assessment, two or more criteria may be assessed.

Get more information and view MYP rubrics

Students can reach out to their classroom teacher for information on how the MYP rubric is applied to a specific assessment.

The highest score students can earn on the MYP rubrics for each criterion is an 8, the lowest is a 0. These rubric scores are then reported as an A through F grade on the report card, generally as follows.

  • 7-8: A
  • 5-6: B
  • 3-4: C
  • 1-2: D
  • 0: F

Many MYP teachers use our “+10 System” to report the MYP rubric scores as A through F grades. In that case, the score will be out of 18, and the lowest score for an attempted assessment is a 10. Missing assessments may still be scored as 0:

  • 17-18: 94-100% A
  • 15-16: 83-88% B
  • 13-14: 72-77% C
  • 11-12: 61-66% D
  • 10: 55% F

Diploma and Career-Related Programmes

In the IB Diploma Programme and the Career-Related Programme, each course has “marskschemes” from IB that are used to grade assessments. Scores from these markschemes are then reported as A-F grades on the report card.

For more information about the marskschemes for a course, or to view a markscheme for a specific assessment, reach out to your DP or CP classroom teacher. 

Non-DP or CP 11th- and 12th-Grade Classes

Eleventh and 12th-grade classes that are not DP or CP courses will continue to use the MYP rubrics. Some courses may also have external assessments used to measure student achievement. Grades are reported as A-F on report cards. 


In general and in most classes, late work is accepted until the end of the unit of study, and students are permitted to re-do assessments if they do not earn a satisfactory grade.

Specifics will vary based on the type of course and the assignment. Students should check with their teachers for specific policies regarding late, missing and failing assignments.

Middle and High School Report Cards

For most Jeffco middle and high schools, progress reports are issued at the end of each six-week grading period with a report card issued at the end of each trimester or semester. A student's middle and high school grades can be reviewed on the district's online parent portal.

Parents of high school students may wish to view the Board policy on high school grading for details on weighted classes, class rank and grade point average.