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Seal of Biliteracy

At Alameda International, our students come with many different languages. We are proud to partner with students to help them earn the Jeffco or Colorado Seal of Biliteracy.

Seal of Biliteracy Flyer

Seal of Biliteracy in Jeffco

The Jeffco Seal of Biliteracy is a recognition for students who can demonstrate a high level of proficiency in at least one world language in addition to English by high school graduation.

The State of Colorado adopted the Diploma Endorsement for Biliteracy on March 30, 2017, setting the minimum criteria for districts to develop their own process and criteria. Over the course of 2018, Jeffco used this criteria to develop a seal program for Jeffco students. As a result, the class of 2019 included the first students to earn the Jeffco Seal of Biliteracy.

Seal of Biliteracy (English) Seal of Biliteracy (Spanish) Seal of Biliteracy (Chinese) Seal of Biliteracy (French) Seal of Biliteracy (German) Seal of Biliteracy (Korean) Seal of Biliteracy (Russian) Seal of Biliteracy (Vietnamese) Seal of Biliteracy (Arabic) Seal of Biliteracy (Nepali)
Seal of Biliteracy (Polish) Seal of Biliteracy (Japanese)