Behavior Policy

Alameda International students are supported in their academic and social-emotional growth by providing direct instruction, and ample opportunities to practice key life skills taught within the International Baccalaureate ® Approaches to Learning (ATLs) and Learner Profile.  Both of these aspects of the IB Programme allow students and staff to thoroughly and positively instruct, engage, learn, and create in a constructive learning environment for all. 

Alameda International follows a progressive student support process to ensure the safety of all students and provides support for those who need it.  This means that behavioral interventions will be based on a number of factors, including Federal and Colorado State laws, the Jeffco Public Schools’ Student and Family Handbook (Code of Conduct), as well as this document.  These documents work congruently to support student success and to ensure a safe a productive learning environment.  The severity and quantity in which a student repeats prohibited behaviors has an impact on interventions, as well as the student’s needs as a learner. 

Open communication between the teacher, parent, support services and administration is vital in order to support the student. Parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate regularly with teachers, and, as needed, with support staff and administration.  Should a student exhibit concerning conduct, parents/guardians will be notified via phone calls and/or emails as soon as possible, and interventions will follow the student support process outlined in this document.  However, per district policy, the Alameda International administration has the responsibility to weigh all factors involved in any incident and use professional discretion to determine appropriate behavior interventions and supports. 


   lameda International

Behavior Policy


Student & Parent/Guardian Edition

Alameda International Mission Statement

Alameda International delivers a challenging, international education in which students act to create a better and more peaceful world through inquiry, intercultural understanding, and respect.

  1. Introduction

This document conforms to the guidelines set forth in the Jeffco Public Schools’ Student and Family Handbook (Code of Conduct). 

Alameda International students are supported in their academic and social-emotional growth by providing direct instruction, and ample opportunities to practice key life skills taught within the International Baccalaureate ® Approaches to Learning (ATLs) and Learner Profile.  Both of these aspects of the IB Programme allow students and staff to thoroughly and positively instruct, engage, learn, and create in a constructive learning environment for all.

Alameda International follows a progressive student support process to ensure the safety of all students and provides support for those who need it.  This means that behavioral interventions will be based on a number of factors, including Federal and Colorado State laws, the Jeffco Public Schools’ Student and Family Handbook (Code of Conduct), as well as this document.  These documents work congruently to support student success and to ensure a safe a productive learning environment.  The severity and quantity in which a student repeats prohibited behaviors has an impact on interventions, as well as the student’s needs as a learner.

Open communication between the teacher, parent, support services and administration is vital in order to support the student. Parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate regularly with teachers, and, as needed, with support staff and administration.  Should a student exhibit concerning conduct, parents/guardians will be notified via phone calls and/or emails as soon as possible, and interventions will follow the student support process outlined in this document.  However, per district policy, the Alameda International administration has the responsibility to weigh all factors involved in any incident and use professional discretion to determine appropriate behavior interventions and supports.


  1. Introduction p. 1

  2. Parent/Guardian Rights & Expectations p. 2

  3. Administrator, Faculty & Staff Rights & Responsibilities p. 3

  4. Student Problem-Solving & Restorative Approaches p. 3-4

  5. Behavior Expectations & Interventions p. 4

  6. Behavior Levels p. 5

  7. Tardy Policy p. 6

  8. Detention Policy p. 6

  9. Dress Code p. 6-7

  10. Administrator & Counseling Department Contacts p. 8

  11. Behavior Contract p. 9

  1. Parent/Guardian Rights & Expectations 

At Alameda International, we realize the trust that parents/guardians put in the school for the care of their student(s). Parents/guardians have the right to be heard and respected, and their students to learn in a safe, encouraging environment.  The Alameda International Behavior Policy is developed to insure these outcomes.  Students and parents/guardians are expected to know the Behavior Policy and support it purpose and implementation.

In order to establish positive relationships with staff, we encourage parents/guardians to contact their student’s teachers early in the semester. It is expected that parents/guardians understand teachers’ various policies (homework, grading, cell phone etc.) in order to best support their student(s).  *Note - it is the parents /guardians responsibility to update their contact information in Parent Portal so teachers/staff can contact family (as well as emergency contacts) when necessary.  If help is needed to do this, please contact the Counseling Department at (303) 982-8160.

  • If parents/guardians have a concern regarding a student’s academic performance or behavior in a specific class, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the teacher directly.  A collaborative plan should be developed to support the student.

  • If the concern is not resolved to the parents’/guardians’ satisfaction after communicating with the teacher, we encourage parents/guardians to contact either support staff (counselor, mental health provider) or administration.  A meeting will be set up in which to develop a plan with which to best support the student.

  • If parents/guardians have a concern about bullying or harassment of their student, they should report their concerns directly to Alameda Counseling Department or a member of the Administration.

  • If parents/guardians believe their concern is an emergency, they are expected to call the AI main office ASAP (303)982-8160.

  1. Administrator, Faculty & Staff Rights & Responsibilities

At Alameda International, administrators, faculty and staff have the right to work in a safe and respectful environment.  It is the expectation that administrators, faculty and staff will work to create and maintain this environment with students by following the Alameda International Behavior Policy and modeling the International Baccalaureate ® Approaches to Learning (ATLs) and Learner Profile.  To that end, it is expected that administrators, faculty and staff will treat all students fairly and with dignity at all times.  Recognizing the unique developmental needs and difference of junior and senior high students, administrators, faculty and staff will endeavor to personally get to know individual students and create positive relationships with everyone in order to build trust within our community with a commitment to Restorative Approaches. As trust is built upon respectful relationships, we will work tirelessly to earn the respect of students and their families.  

Teachers are expected to provide a positive, structured classroom environment in which students feel safe to try new things and meet new friends, as well as respectfully challenge ideas and gain confidence in their abilities.  Teachers will use the IB ATLs and Learner Profile as a guide to create a syllabus which details their rules and routines, as well as policies for cell phone use, homework, grading and discipline.  These will be taught to students directly and a copy made available to parents/guardians.

Please refer to the end of this document for details for contact information for administration and the Counseling Department. 

  1. Student Problem-Solving & Restorative Approaches

At Alameda International, we understand that difficult behavioral and relationship situations will arise and need to be addressed.  It is expected that, once given a direct instruction about expected conduct in common spaces and classrooms, students will adhere to the rules and routines. It is also expected that students take responsibility for their choices and actions. To assist students in managing their behavior, students will be reminded of these responsibilities as needed, and expected to comply.

If an incident should occur in which a student feels upset, frustrated, disrespected, fearful or threatened, he/she has options to deal with the incident in a positive manner.  First and foremost, if the student feels that the situation is dire and constitutes an emergency, students are expected to communicate the situation to an AI staff member immediately.  

If the incident is not an emergency, but is a concern, a student may:

  • Ask to speak with a counselor/mental health provider/administrator

  • Request to use a positive coping strategy negotiated, and agreed upon, with teacher/staff.

  • Ask for peer mediation (with staff member present).

Students are also encouraged to speak with parents/guardians regarding their concerns (see Parent/Guardian Rights and Responsibilities).  If a non-emergency incident happens, students will be encouraged to utilize their coping strategies and communicated with a trusted adult in the building in a timely manner. Parents/guardians will be notified through this process. If a student chooses not to comply with AI’s expectations, their behavior will be addressed using the Behavior Policy outlined in this document.

In keeping with the International Baccalaureate ® philosophy, Alameda International embraces levels of Restorative Approaches.  If a student has been removed from the classroom for any level of behavior, a restorative conversation is required before the student is back in the classroom.  This conversation can be a formally facilitated, guided and detailed conversation, or a casual (yet focused and genuine) interaction.  Supports and training are available to help educate you on Restorative Approaches.

  1. Behavior Expectations & Interventions

At Alameda International, we recognize the importance of student behavior on the learning environment and the greater culture of the school.  To achieve that end, we know that students will need support and interventions to meet behavioral expectations. If students choose not to follow these expectations, staff and administration will use the Jeffco Code of Conduct and Alameda International Behavior Policy to determine the appropriate disciplinary action(s).  Outcomes could involve any of the following actions (this list is not comprehensive):

  • student/parent/teacher/administrator problem-solving meeting

  • classroom management strategies (seat change, lunch meetings, etc.)

  • restorative approaches

  • behavior plan

  • safety plan

  • after-school detention

  • suspension

  • expulsion

  • law enforcement involvement 

This is a progressive process, meaning that disciplinary action will be based on the severity and number of times the student has repeated the same offense, taking into consideration the supports and interventions that have been previously implemented and the student’s needs as a learner.  However, the process as outlined, is for guidance only, and is not binding on administrators, who have the authority to determine all disciplinary actions on a case by case basis.

  1. Behavior Levels

Below are examples of different levels of prohibited behaviors potentially exhibited in the school environment.  These are not intended to be comprehensive but are listed to provide a framework as to what is commonly experienced:

Levels 1-3:

  • Defiance/disrespect (uncooperative behavior, talking back, refusal to work, noncompliance etc.)

  • Disruption (making noise, blurting out, talking to their friends, etc.)

  • Attendance violation

  • Dress code

  • Inappropriate language (dishonesty, swearing, verbal argument, talking back, etc.)

  • Dishonesty

  • Property misuse (ripping books, drawing on desk, breaking classroom tools)

  • Minor physical aggression (bumping, pushing, wrestling, poking, etc.)

  • Electronic device and technology use (on social media instead of working, texting during class, etc.).

Levels 4:

  • Employee harassment/disorderly conduct

  • Extortion/coercion/blackmail

  • Assault – 3rd degree/disorderly conduct/fighting

  • Behavior on school property: detrimental to safety of others

  • Detrimental behavior off school property

  • Gang-related activity

  • Hazing, discrimination, intimidation or harassment of another student

  • Violation of district policy, regulation, student’s safety plan, or criminal law which has an effect on safety or welfare of students/staff

  • Sexual misconduct/Sexting

  • Damage or threat to student or school property (including graffiti)

  • Stealing/theft or attempt

  • Alcohol & drugs: possession, gift, purchase, exchange, distribution, use or intoxication, including paraphernalia

  • Academic dishonesty

  • Disobedience or defiance (severe)

  • Misuse of technology

Levels 5:

  • Repeated Level 1-4 Behaviors

  • Felony on school property

  • Threats of serious bodily injury or death to employees or students

  • Firearm facsimile: carrying, using, displaying, threatening with the use of

  • Possessing any weapon, including any knife without permission (no intent to harm)

  • 2nd sale of alcohol: The second offense and all subsequent offenses within a three year period

Levels 6:

  • Repeated Level 1-5 behaviors

  • Assault – 1st degree, 2nd degree, vehicular assault

  • Robbery on school property

  • Sexual violence

  • Rape/attempted rape

  • Dangerous weapon

  • 2nd sale of over the counter drugs

Levels 7:

  • Repeated Level 1-6 behaviors

  • Dangerous weapon with the intent to harm/firearm possession

  1. Tardy Policy

Alameda International is committed to building a culture of educational importance and urgency in our students.  Additionally, the value and skills of arriving on time to class aids to other vital components of life (work, events, etc.).  When a student is tardy, the following procedures will be followed: 

  • Tardy 1-3 Interventions:

    • Tardy is entered into student’s record

    • Conversation with student, contact with coaches/sponsors

  • Tardy 4 Interventions:

    • Tardy 1-3 interventions, plus:

    • Contact parent/guardian(s)

  • Tardy 5+ interventions:

    • Tardy 1-4 interventions, plus:

    • Teacher assigns after-school detention

    • Student loses the privilege of participating in extra-curricular participation when applicable

  1. Detention Policy

Detention is a significant intervention to hold students accountable for getting to class on time as well as other behaviors that negatively impact a positive culture in the school.  Students who do not fulfill their assign detention will be subject to additional levels of behavior interventions.  Detentions will not be altered to accommodate extracurricular participation.

Detentions are assigned by:

  • Teachers via the Alameda International Tardy Policy (above)

  • Administration/Leadership team as necessary

Detention will occur:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • 3:30p – 4:15p

  • Location: Library

  • Supervision: Scheduled Teacher Rotation

  1. Dress Code

Alameda International strives to maintain an environment that is safe and welcoming for all students and is conducive to learning. The purpose of the AI dress code is to create a professional and respectful environment in preparation for the future.  In conjunction with District Policy JICA, Student Dress Code, the following guidelines support a safe and disruption-free, appropriate learning environment for all. Students are encouraged to wear Alameda International gear to promote school spirit.

The following are prohibited:

  • Clothing that reveals too much skin (no spaghetti straps and no crop tops)

  • Sunglasses 

  • Hats, hoods, head coverings, bandanas

  • Chains on pants

  • Clothing/backpacks with symbols displaying use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex, violence or gang activity

  • The wearing of all the same colors of clothes

  • Excessively baggy pants

  • Gang-related symbols or logos on clothing

  • Alcohol or drug symbols or logos on clothing

  • Flags worn as an article of clothing

  • Blankets worn as an article of clothing

  • Slippers

  • Clothing must cover underwear

  • Large jackets and trench coats must be put in lockers

  1. Administrator and Counseling Department

Here you will find the lead support administrators and counselors for Alameda International students.  While this is a guide, all Administrators and Counselors will work and support any student if necessary.



Marissa Duren Assist. Principal (7)

Sara Reich - Assist. Principal (8)

Laura Chester – Assist. Principal (9/10)

Matt Koscove  - Assist. Principal (9/10)

Andrea Arguello - Assist. principal (11/12)

Susie Van Scoyk - Principal

Andrea Yahner (7/8)

Kaitlyn West ( 7/8)

Maddie Splistead (9-12)

Tina Lonardo (9-12)

Pat Lease (9-12)

    lameda International

Behavior Contract

The success of Alameda International depends on the support of each member of the school community. Working together, faculty and staff, parents, and students can promote academic achievement and good character, and ensure the success of students at the school and throughout life. On behalf of the administration, faculty, and staff of Alameda International, I pledge to fulfill the responsibilities and uphold the expectations outlined in the Student Support Process.  Alameda International is dedicated to ensuring that communication between the school and parents is on-going, and uniform.

Your signature indicates your commitment to helping fulfill the school’s primary mission — to prepare students for their future.

As the parent of __________________________________, I pledge:

  • to maintain high expectations for my child and the school 

  • to demonstrate consistent interest in my child’s progress at school

  • to support my child’s best efforts 

  • to support and work with school staff to promote my child’s learning.

Parent Signature: ______________________________________________   Date: _____ / _____/_____

As a student at Alameda International, I pledge:

  • to be respectful to myself and others 

  • to attend school faithfully, complete my assignments on time, and work to my highest potential

  • to behave in a manner that does not disrupt classroom learning or the operation of the school

  • to comply with requests by any authorized adult in the school

  • to refrain from aggressive or threatening behavior towards fellow students, teachers, and staff

  • to refrain from the possession or use of any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco

Student Signature: _______________________________________________  Date: _____/_____ /_____

I have read the Student Support Process for Alameda International and support the rules and expectations outlined herein.

Parent Signature:  _______________________________________________  Date: _____/_____ /_____

Student Signature:  ______________________________________________  Date: _____/_____ /_____

*** Please Return the Signed Contract to the Library as Part of Your Chromebook Checkout ***

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